dimanche 29 janvier 2012

vendredi 20 janvier 2012

Gentlecat rule #1 : drinking from a glass

Sabbath taught lil Hellmow how to drink from a glass.
Good cats!
The master is action


So what?!

mardi 17 janvier 2012

Being cute

There's something to admit about our lil king of silly things: he can be so cute. Showing us his love, and asking some in return. By jumping on your back, and if he could talk he would ask us : do you love me? Because I do, very very much (with the same voice like Miranda July's The Future). Adorable Hellmow.

lundi 16 janvier 2012

The Christmas tree Love story

First Christmas for Hellmow. He showed a great interest: jumping on it, trying to play with the balls and decorations, destroying some wreaths... Even the lovely deer you can see on the picture was found dead on the floor. Luckily, our Christmas tree is now back in its box, and has 330 days of peace until the next love (and play) demonstrations of our dear lil Hellmow ;-)

jeudi 12 janvier 2012

And now let me present you lil Hellmow

Born 9 months ago, Hellmow was taken under the care of my new room mate.They both arrived here a few months ago. After a successful test between Sabbath and Hellmow, they moved in here. Hellmow was and is still a young cat, and he's always up for new adventures! He's an apprentice in gardening too (you will discover soon what I mean), and he has a great appetite. For all kinds of food. Really. From andalouse sauce to crisps, from brioche to artichoke, nothing can resist to his needs to try out new tastes.
He's also a good player (but fortunately for Sabbath, a very bad jumper). Almost like a dog, Hellmow likes to bring back his mices to us, so we can play together. He'd be great in a soccer team.
What else? He needs a lot of attention and a lot of love and cuddling. He's very good at it, especially in early mornings... His great idol must be Simon's cat. Hellmow and Sabbath are ok with each other, even if sometimes they have a little fight, it never lasts very long. Sabbath taught him to drink from a glass, like a real Gentlecat.
Though, Hellmow has still a lot to learn about the Gentlecat's manners... It will come, step by step... (hopefully). May the Christmas tree survive next year!
Likes : making bread on heads (soon a movie will come), food and especially brioches, stealing Sabbath's stinky wet food, sleeping on a polar fleece (or in his travel case), gardening, running after Sabbath, playing (a lot).
Dislikes : gherkins, vinegar, being punished (teenage angst), when Sabbath gets more cuddling, being annoyed during a well deserved nap.

mardi 10 janvier 2012

A little written introduction about Sabbath

Sabbath has been living with me for 5 years now. Found in the street by a friend, she could not keep him because she already had two other cats. At this time, she asked us (me and my roommates back then) if we would be interested to have a cute black cat. We went to see him and our hearts melted. Sooo lovely! We took him home immediately.
And I had decided to become his "mama". I did everything : feeding and cuddling, letting him go into my bedroom, changing his private toilets. Everything possible to make him feel at his "home sweet home". And it worked. Very shy first, always hiding under my bed when guests came by, today he's not so shy anymore and enjoys company of others (only when he is in the mood for it).
He has some specialities : drinking from the bathroom sink, or drinking from a glass. No, not from a bowl. This is for common cats, my dear! Once in a while he gets horny on a polar fleece, and once in a while, mister Sabbath pukes the hell out of himself. These are the dark sides. Oh, and he's a very good jumper!
Likes : fresh water from the tap, stinky wet food, Boursin cheese, polar fleece, his "heating hamac", jumping.
Dislikes :  too much guests home, when his mama goes on travel, when Hellmow is taking my bed for a battlefield.

Let me introduce you to the Kitties!

 Aka Hellmow (or The Blond)
Aka Sabbath (or The Gamingo)